Rexburg Yoga Classes
Tu and Thu morning
8:45-10 AM .
$12 Drop in or 55$ monthly (venmo, cash or check)Ongoing classes all year long.
Beginners welcome at any time.
For more info and a map to the studio, go HEREContact information
email: leslie @
email: shellyspratling @
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Author Archives: thinkfirst
New Year Fireworks on Paper
Just a few were in attendance during the holiday season, but for those who were there, we made some art together at the end of class. If you want to know more of the process, it’s called nueroart. After pondering … Continue reading
New Year’s Eve life hacks
We had such a fun class on New Year’s Eve and what made it fun was the sharing of advice and wisdom on a wide variety of topics and shared difficulties. First was the problem of very dry air in … Continue reading
Group activity
This could be part of your yoga class, or part of a group party. First activity in video: Form a circle with an even number. Every other person faces in and holds a ball. Find a partner to begin. Twist … Continue reading
Options for pigeon pose and hip openers
Pigeon pose is great to stay in and gently hold for working gently yet effectively with the hip joints and glute muscles. But if you need modifications, here are some options: First three pix shows different angles of the same … Continue reading
Love me Like this
Thought by Hollie Holden“Today I asked my body what she needed,Which is a big dealConsidering my journey of Not Really Asking That Much.I thought she might need more water.Or protein.Or greens.Or yoga.Or supplements.Or movement.But as I stood in the showerReflecting … Continue reading
Shoulder mobility moves
Here’s some pix and videos showing some of the mobility moves for shoulders that we covered in class. Praying child pose using blocks. Your forehead can go on the block, if you like. Use a block, ball, or short towel. … Continue reading
Cobbler Partner Pose
Cobbler or butterfly pose with partners. If you are partner A, make sure you are sitting so that the hips are level with the knees. This might require a wedge or hips up on a blanket. The strap goes around … Continue reading
Partner Yoga
We took some pictures of our fun partner yoga day. All were very good sports.