A year long exploration of the shape, size and proportion of the bones in each individual student happened about 10 years ago, and we have had a request to revisit this theme to see if things have changed with the students who are with us still, and to observe and teach the new students about this important whole body assessment.
Shelly and Leslie took the basic idea and some assessment ideas from the yoga educator Paul Grilley. Here is Paul’s video that gives more info about his teachings of the range of motion comparing different students.
Rexburg Yoga Classes
Tu and Thu morning
8:45-10 AM .
$12 Drop in or 55$ monthly (venmo, cash or check)Ongoing classes all year long.
Beginners welcome at any time.
For more info and a map to the studio, go HEREContact information
email: leslie @ rexburgyoga.com
email: shellyspratling @ gmail.com
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