Rexburg Yoga Classes
Tu and Thu morning
8:45-10 AM .
$12 Drop in or 55$ monthly (venmo, cash or check)Ongoing classes all year long.
Beginners welcome at any time.
For more info and a map to the studio, go HEREContact information
email: leslie @
email: shellyspratling @
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Tag Archives: stories
Speaking Gracefully to those who are suffering.
Leslie will repost this great advice, since it came up in a post-class discussion. We learn so much from each other before, during and after our yoga class. Here is some instruction about a general principle of how to know … Continue reading →
Egyptian Scorpion
During these weeks of practicing with scorpion pose, we will explore variations that do not require one to do a forearm stand. Sometimes we will use props and sometimes we will play with a posture we call Earth Scorpion and … Continue reading →
During these last months of the year, the morning class will explore and play with scorpion pose. It takes strength and flexibility so we will build up to it over time. Even then, since scorpion is an advanced arm balance, … Continue reading →
Posted in Class extras, Yoga stories
Tagged animals, camel, shoulders, stories, strength
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The legend of Shavasana concerns a wise and just king who while riding through the woods becomes thirsty. In his travel he comes upon a sage in deep meditation who does not hear the king’s request for water. The king … Continue reading →
Posted in Class extras, Yoga stories
Tagged relaxation response, savasana, stories
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Saraswati and a Swan
Most of the stories we have learned this whole year are of men, sages and animals. Saraswati is one of the personifications of the Divine Mother. Her seat is a lotus flower and her vehicle through the universe is a … Continue reading →
Anjali Mudra
We will explore and play with several hand mudras in our class this week. It’s a lovely way to bring meaning and intention into your practice. There can be many layers of meaning with each mudra and knowing them can … Continue reading →
Halasana – Plough pose
From Hindu mythology the plough, or hala is carried and used by Krishna’s big brother, Balaram. His name is sometimes called Haladhara meaning the plough-carrier. Once upon a time, Duryodhana imprisoned Krishna’s son Samba in Hastinapur. The family patriarch, King … Continue reading →
Posted in Class extras, Yoga stories
Tagged back care, neck, safety, shoulders, stories
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Kurmasana – The tortoise
If this Hubble telescope image had to be described in a story might be told as the churning of the cosmic sea of milk. Maybe that is where this Hindu myth originated, from the spiraling cosmos itself. Source:
What is it about a cow that makes us feel that all is right with the world? For my daughter she believes that cows are loving critters. She has been collecting cow stuff for years and her room looks like a … Continue reading →
Posted in Class extras, Yoga stories
Tagged animals, asana instruction, knees, shoulders, stories
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Mountains and Rivers
According to yoga philosophy, within everything there is a consciousness and quality- not only in humans and animals, but also in natural phenomena like rivers, mountains and trees. From Myths of the Asanas