The focus in October is the shoulders and specifically as it relates to the upward bow or wheel pose. The article that we are referencing this month is by Roger Cole and published in Yoga Journal.
It reminds us about the need for flexible shoulders and the role of the latissimus dorsi muscle in shoulder flexibility. In looking for a safe, accessible way for most in the class to do this backbend, we recommend using the large fitness ball.
Its easy to see the energetic message of the shoulders. Think about the metaphors we use, “shoulder the responsibility,” illustrates that the shoulder is our doing center – the place where we carry responsibility and duty. “Shoulder to the wheel,” illustrates putting all your strength into a task. “Standing on the shoulders of giants,” illustrates the legacy of hard work that others have done and that legacy is still standing. “Standing shoulder to shoulder.” illustrates the group strength put towards fighting a battle or winning a soccer game.
Shoulders carry burdens. Shoulder pain or discomfort then leads us to ask, “What is my belief and attitude about my responsibilities?” Think about the Christmas Carol story where Bob Cratchet carries Tiny Tim on his shoulders and he remarks that the burden seems weightless and easy. That’s because Bob loves Tiny Tim and believes it is easy to carry him. So it all goes back to our attitude and belief about our duties and responsibilities.
Here are beliefs that can lead to shoulder issues: I have to do all the work around here, It’s me that carries the burdens of this family. I do all the clean up work after everyone else’s fun. I am the hardest worker here. There is so much to do and not enough time. Life is hard. It’s my responsibility alone to see that my family has enough. I will do it myself.
As we develop posture over a lifetime, our attitude can take on the picture of our posture. For example, hunched over shoulders contribute to the feeling of insecurity.
Our yoga practice this month will teach proper alignment of the shoulders as we do back bending poses. We always encourage strong, confident posture and this month we encourage you to examine your thoughts, beliefs and feelings about work and responsibility if you have painful shoulder issues.