More on the Root Lock

The word Bandha means “voluntary contraction of a group of muscles.”  The Mula Bandha is the contraction of the perineum or the zone between the genitals and the anus.  Be patient in acquring this skill it can take years of practice and the key word is cultivation.  It is a journey of concentration and diligence.

One way to begin this work is to start with exhalation.  As you do this you begin to engage the pelvic floor drawing it up towards your navel.  Try to maintain this contraction for about six seconds while breathing in and then our for another six seconds.  Make the breath calm and smooth and slow.  This is not about holding the breath.                                                                                   

Some of the benefits include internal heat for the body, vitality, and strength coming from the center or core of the body.  Over time you may feel a greater sense of lightness and support in your yoga poses.  The following is an easy way to begin this process.

Kneel in Hero pose.  Take time to  find your neutral lumbar curve.  Relax your abdominal muscles while you establish slow but moderate breathing out your nose.  Allow your ribs to expand breathing with the diaphragm.  On the out breath, gradually start to contract your perineal muscles.  This could feel like stopping the flow of urine.  As you do this, keep breathing.  After two or three breath cycles, relax.

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