Listening to the Core

May 2010 finds us exploring the core muscles of the body; the soft structures in the front body. We have explored 3 postures this month:
lolasana, mula bandha (root lock or kegels) and yoga roll ups.

The previous months we have learned the metaphors in the structures of outside support and movement in the world – feet, legs, hips and spine. These are all outside structures of support.

We have a totally different metaphor this month and lolasana is very different and much more individually accessed and practiced. The change and difference is that the core of the front body, digestives system and abdominal muscles are all soft tissue and internal.

There are many messages in the 3rd chakra solar plexus or the core but the one I want to focus on this month is that balance and maturity in the solar plexus means we no longer need outside institutions, people or influence in order to determine our own beliefs.

Each of us have our own internal guidance system, our gut, our stomach. This area is a 2nd brain, helping us to make wise choices, if we listen.

The message in this part of the body is to trust your own wisdom. act out of personal integrity. Give up and release the idea of who you are “suppose” to be and you might find the indigestion going away. Choose and follow your own beliefs based upon what your gut tells you. This is an internal focus.

As you practice these core strengthening poses like mula bandha and lolasana there is no way for a teacher to see from the outside if you are doing it correctly. It must come from an internal feeling and trust. This is practicing with integrity.

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