Moon Salutation

Early this morning we were able to view the full moon and a total lunar eclipse. Its the perfect opportunity to celebrate in our morning yoga class with the moon salutation.

The moon salutation contains the postures called crescent moon, half moon and some I invented call the full moon. The moon salute is a reflective flow with several backbending postures. If you want to practice again at home, here is the flow:
Standing mountain then raise your arms in the shape of a full moon.
Crescent moon C-curve to each side.
Standing camel backbend
Step feet apart for a 5 point star
Triangle pose to R side with arms in the shape of a full moon
half moon from triangle
Standing Half Moon balance. Or Half Moon dancer or Revolved Half Moon.
Crescent moon lunge as a backbend
Wide Leg forward fold
Godess Squat
Standing Mountain to reflect upon the flow.
Repeat on L side.

Symbolically the sun represents our conscious mind and the moon represents our unconscious mind. The only way we get to see what’s in the unconscious is when it reflected in the light of consciousness. The unconscious mind has no light of its own, that’s why its call the unconscious.

Where do we look for that reflection in our lives? Its everywhere we look and our whole experience and story just like when the moon is full and there are no clouds in the way, the moon is the brightest thing in the sky and it cannot be missed.

Our unconscious mind is reflected in our body language, our illnesses and injuries, and our handwriting. It is reflected in how we perceive everyday events; how we view the behavior of other people and how we react to what they say to us. Our unconscious mind is reflected in the experiences and people we draw into our lives.

It is a paradox how my perception of your behavior and words is the moon and reflection of my sun consciousness and your perception of my behavior and words is a reflection of your unconsciousness.

If I view the world and your behavior as being generous, kind, gracious, forgiving and loving it is because that is a reflection of my inner self. If I am troubled, annoyed and disturbed by the world and your actions then it is reflection of my unconscious mind and it gives me a clue that there is a place in me that needs attention, acceptance and forgiveness.

The moon does not shout, pierce and openly burn like the sun. It is secret, quiet and sometimes dark and it needs the light of the sun in order to be seen. Just like our unconscious shadows are hidden from us until we are ready and able to do the healing transforming work of the soul and then the conscious mind will shine and illumine the unconscious.

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