From Leslie: With some ideas and inspiration from Barbara Handclow. I’ve decide to not celebrate New Year’s in January anymore. It’s going to be springtime from now on. Here’s why:
The New Year is not January 1st! The new year-the Spring Equinox-occurs this year around March 20, For Earth, this is when the Sun is directly over the equator. It is the perfect balance between day and night. The modern calendar abuses our consciousness! The Spring Equinox – not the dead of winter is the time to identify the intentions we wish to fulfill during the four seasons. If you rearrange your life so that your new creativity comes in with the Spring Equinox every year, you will be amazed by how much more successful you are; you will love this powerful and easy flow with nature.
Think about when you have made great New Year’s resolutions. You start strong and then they just seem to peeter out as the month goes by. Then maybe you feel depressed because you didn’t succeed again and thus miss the great potential of the Spring Equinox, when we naturally feel the tug of change and new life and new ideas.
Spring is when we should bring forth new intentions, new directions and new possibilities for the year. During the Summer the time has arrived to birth these ideas into recognizable form. It can be a time of wild growth with the new idea. The Fall Equinox is the time to flesh out, balance, and assess these creations and to weed things out that just are not working or not necessary. The Winter months are the time to enter into deep contemplation to decide how our personal creations work for us and evaluate if those creations have blessed or been detrimental to others. It should be internal work that we do during winter rather than the frenzied spending and partying that Christmas and New Year’s brings each year.
If you made New Year’s resolutions, renew them and ponder them again and see if you still feel inspired by them this spring. If so, work with this spring energy that we feel from nature. Take some time and meditate and visualize these new directions coming easily into reality. One way to do this is watch the movie in your head of this goal being accomplished and generate the feelings you have when it comes to pass.
If you did not set any New Year’s resolutions, think about 1 new thing, or 1 new attitude or 1 new goal or event you would enjoy bringing into existence during this year and meditate on and visualize that.
After seeing clearly in your head what you want, write it down in a journal and forget it. We will revisit these ideas later in the year.