Apanasana and Squat pose

This week in our Rexburg Yoga morning class we will play with two poses that are very similar to each other: apanasana and squat. Apanasana is the same as a squat except the student is reclined. Here’s some more details about these postures.

Apana is the energy and force in the body that moves things downward and outward. In its simplest and most physical explanation it is the ability of the body to move things out of the body. The field of activity of Apana is from the navel to the soles of the feet. It is characterized by heaviness and has a downward movement. Its function is elimination. It eliminates stool, urine, semen and menses. It helps in the process of childbirth. Thus apanasana is a posture that will support and stimulate the force of apana in the body.

When digestion has finished or when that child is ready to be born it is critical that the body releases and lets go. If the body hangs on to that which no longer serves, the situation becomes deadly. Apana is the finishing of a cycle and must be honored and kept healthy.

Apanasana is also called knees to chest or wind-relieving pose and is done while reclined. It is a restorative and beneficial pose for any conditions of the low back area. Its hard to think of a disease condition that would not be helped with supporting the body in its elimination system. This pose is appropriate for pregnant moms before the third trimester and after that just doing the squat would be a better choice.

Squat – or let’s call it squatasana, is the same body position but on the feet, so the benefits are similar to those of apanasana. In the photo, you notice Leslie is using a wedge to make this pose possible and comfortable with her stable ankle joints and Shelly has the ankle structure to squat without a wedge. Other props can help those with knee issues to do a squat and still get benefits.

Here’s a picture we took from the morning class with a partner squat pose.

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