Garudasana – Eagle pose

In Hindu mythology Garuda is the half man, half eagle that carries Vishnu on his travels. He is the king of the birds. The word is usually translated into English as eagle though according to one dictionary the name literally means devourer because Garuda was originally identified with the all-consuming fire of the sun’s rays.

Garuda is sometimes depicted as having a golden body, white face, red wings, and an eagle’s beak, but with a man’s body. He wears a crown on his head. He is ancient and has size enough to block out the sun. In some stories Garuda must use his mythical powers to shrink to a smaller size.

In one version of balancing eagle, that is what we do, shrink into the core while still balancing on one foot. It’s challenging and creates heat, requires single-minded focus and builds strength in the legs and flexibility in the hips.

If you want to read more about the mythology and story of Garuda, go

Pictures from here and here.

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