Hanuman- the ever loyal faithful servant

In a previous class I told you the story of the early life of Hanuman and how he was changed into a monkey. I won’t retell any of that story here, but a version of it can be found here.

I will take up the story of the renamed Hanuman, the monkey God and servant of Ram. At Rexburg Yoga we will be having this class on the week of Valentine’s Day and it seems very appropriate because Hanuman and Ram had a most amazing heart connection. This loyalty and trust is unparalleled in the Hindu mythology. Hanuman did everything in the service of Ram. Ram’s name was engraved and embedded in Hanuman’s every heartbeat.

Ram and Sita in Hanuman's heart

An online version of Hanuman’s story is here

The metaphor I would like to suggest for Hanuman’s story is one of complete love, loyalty and service between our body and spirit. Just like Hanuman was Ram’s faithful servant, our physical body was created for the purpose of being the vehicle for the training and experience of the spirit. Our body should always be in the service of the spirit not the other way around. If we have addictions or overwhelming appetites and passions of the body that overpower the duty of the body as servant of the spirit, then we will experience anxiety, guilt, shame and eventually physical symptoms of illness until we return the proper balance and duty of the body to its rightful place of servant, not master.

We do this by feeding the spirit what it needs to stay healthy and vibrant: good music, happy thoughts, a spiritual practice, meditation, prayer, connection to others, and creative outlets. When the spirit is nurtured then the body is able to be calm, healthy and take action in life as the spirit directs. Then we feel inspired to take care of the physical body by eating good food, getting enough rest, and being active and exercising.
It turns into a wonderful, loving upward spiral, the body has the discipline to do nourishing things for the spirit and the spirit provides inspiration of what things the body needs to stay healthy for life.

Hanuman had great courage and strength and willpower to accomplish the mission that Ram needed at a moment of crisis. May you find and increase courage and strength in your yoga practice so your physical body will be the powerful servant and instrument of your spirit.

Picture from here.

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