The body is a teacher of Asteya

Our physical body is the perfect teacher of Asetya or non-stealing. It is impossible to steal and hide the consequences from the body. We may not see on the outside the payment that is required from our actions, but there is always payment required from the body for our greed and attempt at stealing.

For example: If I have a greedy desire to run a marathon, but have not earned the right to have that, my body will cause me to fail at the attempt or pay dearly for the greed. The payment will cause harm and injury to the body. This desire is wonderful, but then I must build adikara. Adikara is Sanskrit for :the right to know or the right to have”. I build adikara by walking, running, stretching, sleeping, more running, eating good foods, and building mental stamina over a period of several months. Then I have built my adikara and I have earned the right to have the experience of running a marathon.

Last week in our yoga practice we experienced many balance postures. It is impossible to steal balance. The body will either balance on one foot, or it will not. Again, I must build adikara or the right to have balance. Over time, building and practicing the muscles and nerves required for balance.

I cannot steal physical strength. There are occasions where it appears that I have super human strength and call upon reserves of strength that I did not know I had, but this reserve is already there and comes into play when certain hormones like adrenaline are released. If I attempt a handstand in a yoga practice, and have not built adikara, or the right to have that handstand, I will collapse and fall on my head, thus my body will not allow me to steal that handstand.

In fact, if I am greedy and stealing in other ways, my body experiences anxiety, tension, higher blood pressure, guilt, and other diseases, aches and pains that I may not realize is the payment for my greed and stealing.

The remedy is awareness of my thoughts, feelings and actions; Repair and pay back as much as I can what I have stolen, then commit to build up adikara rather than stealing in the future. Becoming aware of my desires and then legitimately build the strength and skill needed to earn that desire without stealing is Asteya.

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