Springtime Yoga for digestion& cleansing

We used this reference last year, and I am posting it up this spring so we can see it again. Happy Spring!

Spring cleanse options: Do one of these or all of them – but not at the same time!

1) Eat 2-3 apples every day for the first week of spring. Apples are the highest of all fruits and grains for soluble fiber. It soothes and regulates the digestive tract, stabilizes the intestinal contractions and normalizes bowel function from either extreme. Cut out all junk food but still eat regular meals.

2) Detoxing baths –Epsom salt and ginger. This bath opens pores and eliminates toxins and also helps to eliminate pain. Stir one cup of epsom salts, baking soda and 2 tablespoons of ginger in a bowl. Put the bowl into the tub and pour boiling water over the mixture and dissolve the mixture before adding the bath water. Add as warm of water as you can handle. Do not do this bath after having fasted. Do not remain in the tub for more than 30 minutes. You will begin to sweat. Shower lightly to remove extra salt or soda. When getting out of the tub wrap up in towel or robe and rest for longer and continue to sweat. Ginger causes the sweat, salt draws out toxins and soda absorbs toxins so your body does not reabsorb.

3) Lemonade fast. Drink ½ -1 gallon of lemonade in place of food and drink for 24 hours. 1 fresh squeezed lemon in 16 oz pure water. Pure maple syrup or honey to taste. 2-3 TBl or so. Take your weight and divide in half. Drink that much in ounces during the day. But not less than ½ gallon. Then next day, break the fast with more lemonade first thing in the morning, and fresh, light foods during the rest of the day.

Yoga for digestion.

Digestive problems could come in different varieties. Here are 3 and the yoga therapy for them.

Sluggish digestion: Eat more soluble fiber everyday, like apples or oats. Sun Salutes every day include the forward and backward bending that will encourage peristaltic movement in the digestive system. Do twists everyday. Poses that build the core muscles are helpful as well.

Too much fire or heartburn, diarrhea, inflammation and acid: Supported and passive backbending poses. Stay in these supported backbends for 5-15 minutes.

Stomach in knots, constipation, bloating, gas: warmth and pressure, supported forward bends, child’s pose, adding props to stay warm

More info- Yoga Journal

Abdominal massage – good for stomach ache or cramps

1) Laying down with knees bent. Use a light easy fist and massage in the direction of the colon.

2) Begin right above the right hip bone and gently knead. This spot is where the gall bladder is located. Knead here for a bit and you will hear gurgling. This is the gall bladder releasing bile.

3) Keep kneading with light pressure going up the abdomen, then across under the ribs and then downward on the left side of the body.

4) Keep abdomen soft and relaxed and breathe deeply if painful. Keep up kneading for 2-3 minutes in this same direction.

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