The liver’s main function is to filter toxins and excessive or poor quality fatty acids. When we take in more chemicals or fats than the liver can handle, it stores them. One way of releasing these stored toxins and fats is with a healthy diet. Foods that support the liver include, leafy green vegetables, carrot juice, radishes, mushrooms, artichokes, green apples, pears, whole grains, beans, sprouts, and garlic to name a few.
This is a cleanse I (Shelly) recently did. I liked this cleanse for a number of reasons. One, all the ingredients are living foods. Second, it did not require me to fast for a long period of time, stay close to a bathroom or be uncomfortable. It is important to note that this should not be done if you are pregnant. If you have had any problems with your liver or gall bladder it would be best to seek medical advice first.
Fresh juice from 1 lemon—(Lemon aids digestion by stimulating the flow of saliva, thus easing the work of the liver)
1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil–(Olive oil is known for its ability to support the functions of the liver and gallbladder).
1/2 cup fresh citrus juice or apple juice (I used apple juice)
1 clove of garlic–(Garlic eliminates toxins from the body including metals such as lead and cadmium)
1/2 t. fresh ginger juice or a dash of dried ginger—(Ginger is anti-inflammatory, normalizes blood pressure and helps support the liver
dash cayenne—(Cayenne has antioxidant properties that help preserve and detoxify food.
Stir all these ingredients together. Drink this mixture first thing in the morning waiting about an hour before having breakfast. Do this for a week to 10 days.
Tip: I found that after drinking this mixture if I waited for a half hour before bending over I didn’t feel the mixture up in my throat.