The second foundation focuses on getting a good nights sleep. When you consider that 84 million Americans suffer from some kind of sleep problem, understanding what it takes to restore our bodies deserves our attention.
It is during sleep that our body renews and repairs itself. Vital organs of the body are restored, old cells are replaced with new cells and the immune system gets its battery recharged. Typically 7-9 hours of sleep is considered a healthy amount of nighttime rest.
Sleep tips
- Regular exercise (not too close to bedtime)
- eating a modest healthy dinner several hours before bedtime
- Turning down the lights to signal the brain for bed
- Getting a massage
- switching your thought patterns from worrying to being thankful
- Creating a routine for bed-going to bed at the same time each evening and getting up at the same time
- Read (if it does not stimulate), listen to soothing music and practice systematic relaxation techniques
- evening yoga practice with restorative poses including “Legs Up The Wall”
- 2-1 breathing focusing on lengthening the exhalations and/or counting the breath