
This is an excerpt of an article about savasana written by Amir from the
Sun and Moon Studio website.

The paradox of Savasana is that while it may seem to be a very easy pose from the outside, internally it is often the most difficult. It is also the most rewarding and revitalizing of the poses…

What  makes Savasana different from ‘resting’ is your awareness – in resting,     your mind floats all over the place in Savasana your mind is focused.          You could think of Savasana as ‘mindful relaxation.’  What makes this pose difficult for most people, is that there is nothing  to ‘do’ during the pose. Throughout our lives, we constantly train our  minds to be ‘thinking’ all the time: trying to solve problems, figure      out what to do next, or deal with our emotions. During practice, it’s so easy to drop into thinking about “what happened at work” or “what am I doing after class.” However, in Savasana, we aim to do the opposite.      We keep our awareness with the experience of our whole mind and body   while lying totally motionless. And this is where it becomes difficult,   staying completely still, focusing all our senses on the pose, while     experiencing the subtle, refined energy moving through us.

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