Vasisthasana – pose dedicated to Sage Vasistha

The featured pose for this week is a challenging arm balance, the side plank. All of the postures that are named after sages are very difficult. Just like the path to become a wise teacher or sage is rigorous and difficult.

The sage Vasistha is employed to be Ram’s teacher at a time of Ram’s great inner confusion, disillusion and depression. For Vasistha, this is the proper time to begin a spiritual journey and in fact, the inner turmoil means the journey has already begun.

One metaphor we explored as we practiced the many version of Vasisthasana is that it is necessary to be content with the present moment even tho it might be painful and annoying. This is the hand rooted into the floor. The muscles might shake, the wrists might be feeling the strain, but this is the foundation that must not be resisted but appreciated.

Then the other arm and hand can reach up to the skies with energy. Sometimes its necessary to receive added support to the spiritual journey just like its necessary to modify the side plank posture in any number of various ways. Daily practice will bring noticeable increase in arm, wrist and shoulder strength.

Here is a partner variation.


Pictures from here.

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