straps and things

Some things to do with straps and/or stretchy bands.

Make a big loop. Put it around the upper back (bra strap) level, then when doing the leg stretch, you get a bit of lift in the upper back.

Partner C curve
Here is a link to a very grainy you tube video of the partner C curve. This could be done with a stretchy band, but there are always risks with those. A regular strap works well.

Each partner sits with feet to the center and hold the strap in the outside hand. Stabilize the arm by putting the forearm on the head. The movement is to C curve back and forth, each partner getting a nice C curve. Then turn and do other side.

partner pull in cobra A link to a video that shows a partner pulling action in cobra – using bolsters to support upper body.

Here’s the link to the video that shows the stretchy band and locust pose. Use the bolster under the hips, or ribs – whichever feels best.

Here’s a link to show the stretchy band in happy baby and legs stretch pose – this gives a good arm pull.
happy baby

Stretchy band with pull in the staff pose. Keep a long spine, and elbows tucked in. stretchy band staff

Stretchy band with boat. The boat pose does not have to be crazy difficult. It’s fine to leave the toes on the floor. Keep the back long and chest open. boat

Stretchy band in single leg stretch. This could be a twist and pull, or fold. One arm or two. single leg fold

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