PROM Femur Internal and External Rotation

These pictures will examine the natural amount of internal or external rotation in of the femur in the hip joint.

This second video shows that Paul Check is in the externally rotated camp. The stretch he is doing is stretching the externally rotated leg.

In the rest of these pictures, I know my text sometimes refers to stable or mobility of the rotation, but we decided that this really doesn’t matter. Just knowing whether the student is naturally in the external or internally rotated camp is most important.

The modification for either direction is the same: give extra height to the hips by sitting on blocks, bolster or wedge and support knees or legs with blocks. Whatever pose is being done, use these modifications to make the student more comfortable so they can relax and breathe. The most important postures to support are those working with the internal rotation so that there is no pressure into the knee joint. With the proper support, a student can gently work with confidence and care.

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