Shoulder loop

Here’s the documentation of our first Rexburg community-wide teacher training in-service. We discussed the shoulder loop as taught in the anusara tradition. A link to the Doug Keller teaching of anusara can be found here. The spirals and loops are covered in this book.

The adjustment that we played with comes from this video:

We tried it on each other and everyone like it as a way to feel how the shoulder loop involves quite a few actions and movement; upward, back and then under.


Then we explored just one posture where the shoulder loop comes into play. Cobra


These pictures are of a partner pose for exploring the shoulder action

Here’s a nice alternative to having the teacher make any physical adjustment or using a partner. Each student can feel the shoulder loop with the strap wrap


Along with cobra, this shoulder loop using the strap is also great for updog


We played with this assist in updog and some liked it and some did not. The better option that everyone loved was using the shoulder loop with strap.

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