Heart Month: 7 Symptoms Women Ignore

Heart attack symptoms are not unisex.  In an article published this month in Prevention Magazine, women may experience these seven symptoms that are warning signs that a heart attack may be on the horizon.

1.  Fatigue  –Weeks before a heart attack 71% of women have flu-like symptoms.  Closer to the time of an attack even lifting items may be too taxing.

2.  Non-Chest Pain-  43% of women don’t experience any chest discomfort at all, instead pain may be felt in the  jaw, neck, shoulders or upper back.

3.  Sweating–You might be sweating for no apparent reason.

4.  Dizziness or Nausea–During an attack, women often feel like they might pass out or vomit.

5.  Breathlessness–58% of women report panting or inability to carry on a conversation.

6.  Sleeplessness–Half of women have trouble sleeping in the month before a coronary.

7.  Anxiety–  “Many women experience a sense of impending doom or fear before a heart attack.” says Dr. Legato.  “That’s your body telling you to pay attention.  Trust those instincts.”

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