Second Yama – Satya: Truth

The second yama is Satya or truth; observing truth, thinking truth, speaking truth, behaving honestly, embodying truth. Satya or truth is always coming from the foundation of Ahimsa. Non-violence trumps all other yamas.
We would easily recognize Satya as the principle of integrity and honesty. We tell the truth, so our words can be trusted. We don’t lie, gossip or fudge the truth. This keeps life simple. We keep our promises so our actions can be trusted. We behave honestly in our dealings with others so we can be trusted. After a lifetime of honesty and integrity this establishes a firm reputation that is more valuable than any amount of money.

The growing success of our own Rexburg Yoga community is an example of both ahimsa and satya. Class members come to know that teachers instruct, practice and encourage ahimsa towards our own bodies. We create a safe space to practice with everyone at his or her own pace. The business aspect is simple because of our commitment to satya, truth. If we advertise that class starts at 9, we start at 9. We want to build the tradition of keeping our word. The class members are all honest in paying on time and the correct amount. Because of that honest behavior in students and teachers, everyone is creating at atmosphere of trust. It makes for a calm and simple environment in which to practice yoga: union. Thank you to all at Rexburg yoga for that contribution to ahimsa and satya.

I love this discussion of satya:

We Here’s some great discussions about Satya around the internet to further your personal study:

Yoga Foundation
yoga journal
Truth will follow you

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