Balance – a reasonable expectation

While achieving an amazing balancing feat like we sometimes see in advertising is unrealistic for the average person, a reasonable expectation for a regular yoga practice is improved overall balance.

While there are many causes for loss of balance, a common one as we age is “use it or lose it.” As busy and distracted as we are during an average day, we probably don’t take time to mindfully balance and move out of the normal plane of movement. A regular yoga practice can help use and strengthen those tissues, muscles, nerves, and bones needed to balance.


In class this morning Shelly used the Berg Balancing scale as the template for our practice. Personally, Leslie happy to see that this diagnostic tool was named after a woman, Katherine Berg, one of the developers.

Balancing can become a matter of health and safety when you live in Rexburg. Now is the season for black ice and frozen, uneven surfaces. Its always a shock when one slips and falls in the winter. But the fear and shock can turn to a pleasant outcome when, because of a yoga practice, the muscles and nerves react beautifully to prevent serious injury. Its not a guarantee, but it increases the chances of a safe outcome from falling on the slick surface.


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