Warrior 2 and Side Angle Practice

Several class members wanted the playlist and a copy of this flow, so here it is. Each song has a few postures to play with until the song is over. Each person flows at her own speed and stays with each posture as desired.

It may take a few days to complete this post, but I will publish as much as I get done…..

All the songs are here on this playlist. You can purchase them here through amazon, or through your own sources. From the music of Loreeena McKennit, Ronan Hardiman and David Ison.

Warrior Two and Side Angle Flow

1)Song: Mummer’s Dance – Loreena McKennit.
Poses: Six movements of the spine all done standing – C Curve like you are picking cherries in the tree. Cat/Dog with hands on your knees. Twist with your elbows on knees.


2) Song: Marco Polo – Loreena McKennit.
Poses: All done reclined – Windshield wipers with feet on the floor or legs stretched out and feet going in and out. Bridge Pose. One option while up in bridge is to gently sway hips side to side. Bicycle or Scissor Legs. Put hands under hips to give extra help and support to low back.


3) Song: Kecharitomene – L McKennit.
Poses: Diagonal locust, asymmetrical cat/dog on hands and knees, dynamic Janu Sirsasana.


4) Song: Anthem – Ronan Hardiman.
Poses: Warrior II. Legs and hips stay stable and upper body moves as desired. A strap is a nice option here for shoulders circles. Wide Leg fold w/ yoga mudra Use strap for yoga mudra to give shoulders more mobility.


5) Song: All the Way Back Home – Ronan Hardiman.
Poses: Warrior II C curve the torso over the front leg. C curve the top arm over the head. Stable legs, curved torso. This pose is a curvy version of side angle. Hula-hooping hips. Forward Fold with yoga mudra . Use strap for the yoga mudra to give shoulders more mobility.


6) Song: Secret World – R. Hardiman.
Poses : Side Angle, Mountain All straight lines and angles for this version. Mountain Pose is for resting in between sides.


7) Song: Take Me With You. R. Hardiman
Poses: Bound Side Angle, Child’s pose or Mountain Pose Use Child’s pose or Mountain pose as a rest in between sides.


8) Song: Never Ending Road L. McKennit
Poses: These are all the cool-down postures. Reclined. Thru the Hole-stretch. Twist Hold each of these postures for a minute before trading sides. Add any other stretches that your body desires before relaxation.


9) Song: Relax – David Ison
Relaxation Pose Relax for the whole song.. Enjoy..

Some Pictures come from Yoga journal, Fitness Magazine, Yoga Basics Fit Sugar, Athleta.

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